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Inserting objects into hash table (C++)

This is my first time making a hash table. I'm trying to associate strings (the keys) with pointers to objects (the data) of class Strain.

// Simulation.h
#include <ext/hash_map>
using namespace __gnu_cxx;

struct eqstr
 bool operator()(const char * s1, const char * s2) const
   return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;

hash_map< const char *, Strain *, hash< const char * >, struct eqstr > liveStrainTable;

In the Simulation.cpp file, I attempt to initialize the table:

string MRCA;
for ( int b = 0; b < SEQ_LENGTH; b++ ) {
  int randBase = rgen.uniform(0,NUM_BASES); 
  MRCA.push_back( BASES[ randBase ] );
Strain * firstStrainPtr;
firstStrainPtr = new Strain( idCtr, MRCA, NUM_STEPS );
liveStrainTable[ MRCA ]= firstStrainPtr;

I get an error message that reads "no match for ‘operator[]’ in ‘((Simulation*)this)->Simulation::liveStrainTable[MRCA]’." I've also tried using "liveStrainTable.insert(...)" in different ways, to no avail.

Would really love some help on this. I'm having a difficult time understanding the syntax appropriate for SGI hash_map, and the SGI reference barely clarifies anything for me. Thanks.


  • Try liveStrainTable[ MRCA.c_str() ]= firstStrainPtr;. It expects const char * as type of key value, but MRCA has type string.

    Another way is to change liveStrainTable to:

    hash_map< string, Strain *, hash<string>, eqstr > liveStrainTable;