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Heat Harvest Tool Component ID duplication for registry files

I'm running Heat Harvest tool for multiple registry files (45) I have over a loop to generate wxs file.

It works well except for 3 files same Component Id is generated.

heat reg MyReg.reg -cg compoentGroup -gg -o MyReg.reg.wxs
heat reg MyReg1.reg -cg compoentGroup1 -gg -o MyReg1.reg.wxs
heat reg MyReg2.reg -cg compoentGroup2 -gg -o MyReg2.reg.wxs

Result in same Component Id as

<Component Id="cmp0278C3EF60DDFA362D50D5DD0254BCB9" Directory="TARGETDIR" Guid="{EED2941A-01BD-4CE5-97BF-75F19B6605A6}" KeyPath="yes">

Though Guid are unique.

I wonder how can avoid this situation or any alternate way of doing same.


  • The problem I faced was 3 of the reg files have duplicate Keys which was causing same component Id with the heat tool.

    Keys in reg files should be unique for this to work.