I am trying to call one of 2 snippet methods with the same name and same class, but these snippets are located in different packages. Here's the example code:
Snippet 1:
package v1.site.snippet
class TestSnippet {
def test = { println("printed from v1") }
Snippet 2:
package v2.site.snippet
class TestSnippet {
def test = { println("printed from v2") }
<div class="lift:TestSnippet.test"></div>
So how do I tell index.html which TestSnippet.test to call? Both packages have been added in my Boot.scala.
One option:
LiftRules.snippetDispatch.append {
case "V1TestSnippet" => new v1.site.snippet.TestSnippet
case "V2TestSnippet" => new v2.site.snippet.TestSnippet
Your snippets must then inherit DispatchSnippet and define def dispatch = { case "test" => test _ }
etc. You then invoke the snippets from the template as V1TestSnippet
or V2TestSnippet
Alternatively, something like
LiftRules.snippets.append {
case "V1TestSnippet"::"test"::Nil => (new v1.site.snippet.TestSnippet).test _
case "V2TestSnippet"::"test"::Nil => (new v2.site.snippet.TestSnippet).test _
I believe the List is the snippet name in the template split on dots.