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db:schema:load vs db:migrate with capistrano

I have a rails app that I'm moving to another server and I figure I should use db:schema:load to create the mysql database because it's recommended. My problem is that I'm using capistrano to deploy and it seems to be defaulting to rake db:migrate instead. Is there a way to change this or is capistrano using db:migrate for a good reason?


  • Why to use db:schema:load

    I find that my own migrations eventually do some shuffling of data (suppose I combine first_name and last_name columns into a full_name column, for instance). As soon as I do any of this, I start using ActiveRecord to sift through database records, and your models eventually make assumptions about certain columns. My "Person" table, for instance, was later given a "position" column by which people are sorted. Earlier migrations now fail to select data, because the "position" column doesn't exist yet.

    How to change the default behavior in Capistrano

    In conclusion, I believe deploy:cold should use db:schema:load instead of db:migrate. I solved this problem by changing the middle step which Capistrano performs on a cold deploy. For Capistrano v2.5.9, the default task in the library code looks like this.

    namespace :deploy do
      task :cold do
        migrate  # This step performs `rake db:migrate`.

    I overrode the task in my deploy.rb as follows.

    namespace :deploy do
      task :cold do       # Overriding the default deploy:cold
        load_schema       # My own step, replacing migrations.
      task :load_schema, :roles => :app do
        run "cd #{current_path}; rake db:schema:load"