I use SVN under Windows for personal projects. My harddrive crashed recently but, fortunately, I have a backup folder with my repository.
I do not have a dump file. (So cannot use the recommended method: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.2/svn.reposadmin.maint.html#svn.reposadmin.maint.migrate )
How do I point a new installation of svnserve to that backup folder.
I found these related posts:
One talks about "pointing" the new SVN server to the directory, but does not mention how: Recover svn from directory backup after server failure
The closest to an answer I need suggests that I should create a dump file against that folder using svnadmin: Recovering a SVN Repository with out a dump file. If that would solve it, do I look for the exact svn version that the repository was created in (cant remember) or can I use the fresh install, which may be a few versions ahead of the old one?
Apologies in advance if the answer exists, I failed to find it.
I was fortunate that I had a copy of the installer I used to create the SVN repository I was making use of before my harddrive crashed. So this is what I did:
Migrating to an alternative VCS soon. Unfortunately, I'm only allowed 2 links, will update once I get more points.