Hi everyone my problem today is I have a couple of buttons that slide up and down, when in the up state I add an X graphic to symbolize a a close button. However the X graphic seems to be blocking my button action.
(source: flickr.com)
I have an example in the movie I've been working on >> here <<. There are 2 movies here, the big one if you click either blue tab you will see what I'm talking about, X button shows up, but clicking over the X area will not drop the button down. You have to click on blue button area to drop the button back down.
Now I've made a smaller test movie adding the X button basically the same way and if you will notice it works fine (will animate to the right even if you click over the X graphic)
Here is my code in the Big movie (I hid the tween code so it won't be so long):
function handleButtonClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
var button:MovieClip=event.target as MovieClip;
var id:Number=Number(button.name.split("button")[1]);
dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.PAUSE_MOVIE, {}));
if (! $btn1&&! $btn2) {
if (storeButton2==buttons[id]) {
closeTabX.x = buttons[1].width - (closeTabX.width + 10);
buttons[1].addChild(closeTabX); // X added here
} else if (storeButton1 == buttons[id]) {
closeTabX.x = buttons[0].width - (closeTabX.width + 10);
buttons[0].addChild(closeTabX); // X added here
} else if ($btn1 && !$btn2) {
if (storeButton2==buttons[id]) {
buttons[0].removeChild(closeTabX); // X removed here
buttons[1].addChild(closeTabX); // X added here
} else if (storeButton1 == buttons[id]) {
buttons[0].removeChild(closeTabX); // X removed here
} else if ($btn2 && !$btn1) {
if (storeButton2==buttons[id]) {
} else if (storeButton1 == buttons[id]) {
buttons[1].removeChild(closeTabX); // X removed here
buttons[0].addChild(closeTabX); // X added here
Now here is the code in my basic test movie:
var blueButton:MovieClip;
var closeBtnX:MovieClip;
blueButton = new BlueButton;
blueButton.buttonMode = true;
closeBtnX = new CloseTabX;
closeBtnX.x = blueButton.width/2 - closeBtnX.width;
blueButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, specialClick);
function specialClick(event:MouseEvent):void
blueButton.addChild(closeBtnX); // X added here
blueButton.x = blueButton.x+10;
I don't get why you can't click on the X in the main example to close the tab, but you can in the my small basic movie? Thoughts, ideas?
you didn't post how you're instantiating 'closeTabX' in the first example, is it the same class as the smaller example(CloseTabX)?
A simple 'fix' is that if you set it's properties as follows it will not block mouse events to it's parent:
closeTabX.mouseEnabled = false;
closeTabX.mouseChildren = false;
If that class is never intended to be a mouse target, you could also set these properties in the class constructor to prevent any instances of that class from blocking mouse events.