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How to get Generated Html form HtmlGenericControl

I have a template for Html page, and I need to add its contents dynamically in ASP.NET. I also need to make many instences of template page, depending in data.

Its obvious that creating large Html using strings is very dirty way. So I choosed to generate my Html using HtmlGenericControl. And i made it. But I cant get the generated Html as string from it.

Its simple to add these controls in ASP.NET pages and get rendered, but I need their Html.

If its not possible, is there any other structrued way of generating Html...???


  • Trick told by @Bartdude worked like a charm...

    For other peoples, solution goes in this way...

    // create you generic controls
    HtmlGenericControl mainDiv = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
    // setting required attributes and properties
    // adding more generic controls to it
    // finally, get the html when its ready
    StringBuilder generatedHtml = new StringBuilder();
    using (var htmlStringWriter = new StringWriter(generatedHtml))
        using(var htmlTextWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(htmlStringWriter))
            output = generatedHtml.ToString();       

    Hope this helps for coming readers...:)