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log4j not working correctly in JAX-WS with Spring

I setup a JAX-WS with Spring , everthing works except the log4j :

I am following The offical sping document :

which with Endpoint defined like this:


public class AccountServiceEndpoint extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport {

private AccountService biz;

public void insertAccount(Account acc) {

then I tried to write log in the impl of AccountService :

public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
    private static Logger logger =   Logger.getLogger(AccountServiceImpl.class.getName()); 
     public void insertAccount(Account acc) {
         logger.debug("someting... " ) 

and in web.xml


I have tested my_log4j.xml, the configuration is absolute correct, and I also got log at startup that shows my_log4j.xml was loaded before the WebApplicationContext init

I am wondering if it is bescause the WebService is runing out of Spring then the log4jConfigLocation is not working

The server I am using is Websphere Application Server 7.0


  • finally fixed by changing the class loader policy to PARENT_LAST, question closed