I'm trying to use the new HttpClient PCL in a Windows Phone 7.1 project. The project is using Microsoft.Net.Http 2.1.3-beta from NuGet.
var client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://api.geonames.org/");
var resp = client.GetAsync("earthquakesJSON?north=44.1&south=-9.9&east=-22.4&west=55.2&username=bertt").Result;
var earthquakesJson = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
This code works fine in a Windows Forms application.
When debugging the application just stops working on method HttpClient.GetAsync (on emulator or device). Internet is working on device/emulator.
Steps to reproduce:
. create Windows Phone 7.1 app (file -> new -> project)
. nuget command: 'install-package microsoft.net.http -pre'
. add code above to MainPage
How can I get this working?
To fix your problem do the following:
Install the Microsoft Async for WP7.1: install-package microsoft.Bcl.Async
Change your code to:
private async void GetData() {
var client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://api.geonames.org/");
var earthquakesJson = await client.GetStringAsync("earthquakesJSON?north=44.1&south=-9.9&east=-22.4&west=55.2&username=bertt");