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Accessing remote MySQL database with peewee

I'm trying to connect to a MySQL database on Amazon's RDS using peewee and I can't get it to work. I'm new to databases so I'm probably doing something stupid, but this is what I'm trying:

import peewee as pw

myDB = pw.MySQLDatabase(host="",port=3306,user="user",passwd="password",db="mydb")

class MySQLModel(Model):
    """A base model that will use our MySQL database"""
    class Meta:
        database = myDB

class User(MySQLModel):
    username = CharField()


it hangs up on the second line, saying __init__() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)

What am I missing? Why is it saying I'm only giving it one argument when I'm giving it five?

Thanks a lot, Alex


  • I changed it to be like this and it worked:

    import peewee as pw
    myDB = pw.MySQLDatabase("mydb", host="", port=3306, user="user", passwd="password")
    class MySQLModel(pw.Model):
        """A base model that will use our MySQL database"""
        class Meta:
            database = myDB
    class User(MySQLModel):
        username = pw.CharField()
        # etc, etc
    # when you're ready to start querying, remember to connect

    Thanks guys, Alex