Ok, so I am working on a school assignment in Smalltalk and basically the gist of it is that I am writing 3 classes that "manually" set and override methods. The class MyObject is wrapped in another class, ManualTracer, which inherits from ObjectTracer.
MyObject contains a class variable, manualSet, which is a set of Symbols designating which methods were assigned to it manually, i.e. overriding inheritance. This set it declared using the class method manualSet: that accepts a Set of symbols. My problem is that I need this manualSet to filter OUT the set it receives based on the following criteria:
Manual methods are checked by containing the comment "@Manual" in the source code.So far my code looks like this:
manualSet: aSet
| validatedSet |
( aSet == nil ) ifTrue: [ manualSet:= nil ]
ifFalse: [
(aSet isMemberOf: Set) ifFalse:[^nil].
validatedSet:= aSet select:[ :each| (each isMemberOf:Symbol)
and:(self respondsTo:each)
and:(self isManual:each in: self)
and:((self isManual:each in:super)not)].
manualSet:= validatedSet.
So the "super" obviously isn't good enough, I need to go through ALL the ancestors, not just the parent. I also need to go through the comments of ALL ancestors and determine if they contain "@Manual". Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, thanks you!
You can use allSuperclasses
method to get all ancestors. For example:
Integer allSuperclasses
will return
an OrderedCollection(Number Magnitude Object ProtoObject)
Then you can use allSatisfy: aBlock
to see if they don't have this method.
I think that your code will look like this then:
manualSet: aSet
| validatedSet |
( aSet == nil ) ifTrue: [ manualSet:= nil ]
ifFalse: [
(aSet isMemberOf: Set) ifFalse:[^nil].
validatedSet:= aSet select:[ :each|
(each isMemberOf:Symbol)
and:(self respondsTo:each)
and:(self isManual:each in: self)
and:(self allSuperclasses allSatisfy: [:class |
(self isManual:each in:class) not])].
manualSet:= validatedSet.