I am trying to implement the library from http://www.aftek.com/afteklab/aftek-RTMP-library.shtml to stream live video from a red5 server.
On the server i am using the simpleBroadcaster and i want to stream it to the android phone.
my code:
package com.cu.reader;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Map;
import com.al.rtmp.client.RtmpClient;
import com.al.rtmp.client.RtmpStream;
import com.al.rtmp.client.RtmpStreamFactory;
import com.al.rtmp.client.data.MetaData;
import com.al.rtmp.client.data.RTMPData;
import com.al.rtmp.client.data.VideoCodec;
import com.al.rtmp.message.Metadata;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
public class StreamreaderActivity extends Activity implements RtmpClient {
RtmpStream stream = null;
Boolean connected = false;
String server = "rtmp://";
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
stream = RtmpStreamFactory.getRtmpStream();
public void streamCreated() {
connected = true;
public byte[] getWriteData(int length) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void invoke(String arg0, Object... arg1) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onDataReceived(RTMPData rtmpData) {
MetaData metaData = rtmpData.getMetaData();
VideoCodec vc = metaData.getVideoCodec();
public void onError(Exception ex) {
Log.e("ClientException", " Some exception occurred." + ex.getMessage());
public void onMetaDataReceived(Map map) {
Log.i("code","METADATA:" + map);
public void onResult(String method, Object... arg1) {
Log.i("result","METADATA:" + method);
public void onStatus(String code) {
i am always receiving NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound in onStatus function.
Thank you
The stream does not exist, correct. But why? Probably one or two reasons: you have not created a live broadcast stream and 2) because you are using the wrong scope. Unless you configure it differently by hand (which is unlikely), use the 'live' broadcaster scope, which is in /live.
Thus, publish to rtmp:// and to subscribe to the exact same mrl, in this example rtmp:// NOTE: for this to work, you need to create a 'live' stream and feed it to your RED5 server. You can use avconv (aka ffmpeg) to create an rtmp feed.