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Finding maximum values of rests of array

For example:

array[] = {3, 9, 10, **12**,1,4,**7**,2,**6**,***5***}

First, I need maximum value=12 then I need maximum value among the rest of array (1,4,7,2,6,5), so value=7, then maxiumum value of the rest of array 6, then 5, After that, i will need series of this values. This gives back (12,7,6,5).

How to get these numbers? I have tried the following code, but it seems to infinite I think I'll need ​​a recursive function but how can I do this?

max=0; max2=0;...
   for(i=0; i<array_length; i++){

             if (matrix[i] >= max)

             else {
                  for (j=i; j<array_length; j++){

                      if (matrix[j] >= max2)

                        ...for if else for if else


  • This is how you would do that in C++11 by using the std::max_element() standard algorithm:

    #include <vector>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <iostream>
    int main()
        int arr[] = {3,5,4,12,1,4,7,2,6,5};
        auto m = std::begin(arr);
        while (m != std::end(arr))
            m = std::max_element(m, std::end(arr));
            std::cout << *(m++) << std::endl;

    Here is a live example.