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Loading a new vim colorscheme

I am trying to load a new vim colorscheme without any luck.

I have downloaded the railscasts.vim scheme and have put this in:


My .vimrc looks like this:

colorscheme railscasts
syntax on 
set number

I don't see any change in the vim syntax hightlighting however?

I'm running vim from the terminal on OSX 10.6.

EDIT: I have also tried running it on iTerm2 with the colorscheme set to xterm-256 but it is still not displaying correctly.

EDIT: After deleting that theme and swapping it for the this one, everything looks great now. This states clearly as well its 256 compatible. The other theme did too so no idea why it didn't work but iTerm set to 256 with a 256 compatible theme seems to be the easiest setup on OS X if you are on 10.6 or earlier.


  • It may be that your terminal is not correctly set for 256 colors. I see that the color scheme is intended for use in the gui look at its source code, but that most of the colorings have terminal alternatives, but require 256 colors.

    Make sure your terminal is set for 256 colors. If it is, if you do

    echo $TERM

    you should get something back like
