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JavaScript - Regular expression to convert image source

My question is related only to JavaScript regular expressions.

I'm building a simple Lightbox for Wordpress with Mootools JavaScript framework.

Wordpress stores pictures in a variety of sizes with file names like:


When a user clicks a thumbnail image, I have to convert the source of that image into the source of full size image, and then preload that full-size image.

The question

How to change string like this:


, into:


Missing piece is accurate regular-expression in code below:

source.replace( /regular-expression/, '' );

Thanks in advance.


  • This should do it:

    str = str.replace(/-\d+x\d+/, '');


    var str = 'http://some-path/image-50-1024x698.jpg';
    str = str.replace(/-\d+x\d+/, '');
    console.log(str); // "http://some-path/image-50.jpg"

    And for the case where you don't want it to change, it doesn't:

    var str = 'http://some-path/image-50.jpg';
    str = str.replace(/-\d+x\d+/, '');
    console.log(str); // "http://some-path/image-50.jpg"

    Edit: You've said in a comment elsewhere that:

    In some rare cases it can happen that Wordpress user uploads image like image-1024x698.jpg, then Wordpress creates thumb image like image-1024x698-300x300.jpg

    Okay, so we add \. and . to the above:

    var str = 'http://some-path/image-1024x698-300x300.jpg';
    str = str.replace(/-\d+x\d+\./, '.');
    console.log(str); // "http://some-path/image-1024x698.jpg"