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Yii booster - renderPartial the data-content of a popover?

I'm using Yii with YiiBooster extension. I want to have a popover like this:

        'header' => '',
        'value' => function($data)
            $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array(
                'size' => 'mini',
                    'data-content'=> "Controller::renderPartial('_statButtons', 
                                      array('data' => $data->idProject));", 

This is inside the cell of the gridview. I would like to use renderPartial to render a file with some content but above code is not working. How can I achieve it?

EDIT: if the code exucutes (my code or the @Ruslans code) it is the result:

Here is the text from the _statButtons partial file. End of this file.
<a id="yw2" class="btn btn-primary btn-mini" rel="popover" 
   data-placement="right" data-original-title="" title="">Inne</a>


  • bellow code works. I use PHP 5.3

    'value' => function($data) use($controller)
        $controller->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array(
            'size' => 'mini',
                'data-content'=> $controller->renderPartial('_test',
                          array('data' => $data->title), true),

    where $controller is just reassignment of $this var before CGridView widget is rendered.


    because in PHP 5.3 closures don't have access to $this var

    As far as I remember, PHP 5.4 can access $this.

    Calling Controller::renderPartial(.... - bad approach, because renderPartial is not a static function, but called statically. And it should raise error, unless you turned them off.