I know iphone 5 size is 640*960 and iphone 4 and previous iphone size is 320*480. Right now, I am confused. If I want my app working on these different iphones, how to calculate the frame for a imageview or button. For example in viewDidLoad, I have a image and it's size are 630*100 with name of someImage@2x.png, another size is 315*50 with name of someImage.png. The images are the same but the size is different. and then I created a UIImageView with frame of CGRectMake(5, 5, 315, 50), that's for 320*480 size. Do I have to do if (iphone5) then set another frame for UIImageView with frame of CGRectMake(10, 10, 630, 100)? Do I have to prepare two different UIImageView frames for these 2 kinds of size?
All coordinates and sizes on iOS use points rather than pixels. 1 point on the normal iPhone screen (320x480) equals 1 pixel. 1 point on the Retina iPhone screen (640x960) equals 2 pixels.
So CGRectMake(5, 5, 315, 50)
automatically translates to x = 10, y = 10, width = 630, height = 100 on the Retina screens.