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Event Source return data length

This article

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provides an excellent introduction to Server Sent Events. The one thing that is not clear to me is this - they have a section entitled Multiline Data where they say "If your message is longer...". Longer than what? The statement seems to imply that long messages should be broken up into multiple data:value\n strings. If so, longer than what threshold length?

All I want to do is to send back a JSON string which I then process client side. The string contains, amongst other things HTML markup so it could get quite long - between 4 and 8 Kb would be typical. I should mention that my server side code is PHP.

Any help with this would be much appreciated.


  • Hmmm... No answers. I cannot say that I have found a definitive answer either but for the benefit of anyone running into this thread. Purely an empirical observation - there is no need to break up data into multiple lines just becuase there is a lot of it. In my own tests I have had no issues with data strings of up to 2048 characters. Given that I am unlikely to exceed that limit, the issue is solved AFAIC. A definitive answer from somone in the know would still be nice though.