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phpbb3 like and unlike issue

Hi I am facing an issue the reputation system works perfectly fine when i use prosilver theme. but i am not getting the like and and unlike images in prosilver_se.i understood where is the problem but could not resolve it. there is a page viewtopic_body.html where i am calling the like and unlike feature

                <ul class="post-reputation<!-- IF postrow.RS_POST_CLASS --> {postrow.RS_POST_CLASS}<!-- ENDIF -->">
                    <li class="rate-good-icon"><!-- IF postrow.S_GIVE_REPUTATION --><a href="#" onclick="jRS.positive('{postrow.POST_ID}', event, this); return false;" <!-- IF postrow.RS_GIVEN_POINT gt 0 -->class="{postrow.RS_POST_CLASS}" title="{L_RS_YOU_RATED} {postrow.RS_GIVEN_POINT}"<!-- ELSE --> title="{L_RS_RATE_POST}"<!-- ENDIF -->><span>{L_RS_ADD_POINTS}</span></a><!-- ENDIF --></li>
                    <li class="reputation {postrow.RS_BOX_COLOR}"><div title="{L_RS_POST_REPUTATION}"><!-- IF postrow.S_VIEW_REPUTATION --><a href="#" onclick="jRS.postdetails('{postrow.POST_ID}'); return false;"><!-- ENDIF -->{postrow.POST_REPUTATION}<!-- IF postrow.S_VIEW_REPUTATION --></a><!-- ENDIF --></div></li>
                    <!-- IF postrow.S_GIVE_REPUTATION && postrow.S_GIVE_NEGATIVE--><li class="rate-bad-icon"><a href="#" onclick="jRS.negative('{postrow.POST_ID}', event, this); return false;" <!-- IF postrow.RS_GIVEN_POINT lt 0 --> class="{postrow.RS_POST_CLASS}" title="{L_RS_YOU_RATED} {postrow.RS_GIVEN_POINT}"<!-- ELSE --> title="{L_RS_RATE_POST}"<!-- ENDIF --> onclick="return false;"><span>{L_RS_SUBTRACT_POINTS}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
                <br />
            <!-- ENDIF -->

it is showing { RS_ADD_POINTS } { RS_SUBTRACT_POINTS }


  • This must be due to style issue. phpbb is saving the style & themes in database also. Check out the table phpbb_styles_theme. there is a column theme_data. check out the styles mentioned here. check & compare prosilver & prosilver_se css files. better replace all of them with _se.