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Emit call to System.Lazy<T> constructor with Mono.Cecil

I'm trying to emit a method that instantiates a System.Lazy and failing with a PEVerify error of "Invalid token", at the line newobj instance void class [mscorlib]System.Lazy`1<class Example.ExpensiveType>::.ctor(class [mscorlib]System.Func`1<class Example.ExpensiveType>)

Looking elsewhere with ILDasm, I see that a proper call would look like this:

newobj     instance void class [mscorlib]System.Lazy`1<class Example.IHeater>::.ctor(class [mscorlib]System.Func`1<!0>)

Unfortunately, I'm at a loss as to how to reproduce this with the Mono.Cecil API. Can someone help with the generics?

Here's what I have thus far:

var get = new MethodDefinition(
            MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Virtual,

var funcType = new GenericInstanceType(ImportedTypes.FuncOfT);

var funcTypeCtor = new MethodReference(".ctor", ModuleDefinition.TypeSystem.Void, funcType);
funcTypeCtor.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDefinition(ModuleDefinition.TypeSystem.Object));
funcTypeCtor.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDefinition(ModuleDefinition.TypeSystem.IntPtr));
funcTypeCtor.HasThis = true;
funcTypeCtor = ModuleDefinition.Import(funcTypeCtor);

var lazyTypeCtor = new MethodReference(".ctor", ModuleDefinition.TypeSystem.Void, lazyType);
var parameterDefinition = new ParameterDefinition(funcType);
lazyTypeCtor.HasThis = true;
lazyTypeCtor = ModuleDefinition.Import(lazyTypeCtor);

il = get.Body.GetILProcessor();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldftn, getTypedValue);
il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, funcTypeCtor);
il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, lazyTypeCtor);  // This leads to the invalid token

Any help would be much appreciated - I'm stumped!


  • I've discovered the answer buried in a years-old mailing list archive (thanks to Gábor Kozár!). I was not properly creating/importing generic types and their methods. The code that properly loads the Lazy<T> and Func<T> types follows:

    var genericArgument = lazyElementType;
    var funcType = ModuleDefinition.ImportReference(typeof(Func<>)).MakeGenericInstanceType(genericArgument);
    var funcCtor =
                                        .Methods.First(m => m.IsConstructor && m.Parameters.Count == 2))
    var lazyType = ModuleDefinition.ImportReference(typeof(Lazy<>)).MakeGenericInstanceType(genericArgument);
    var lazyCtor =
                                        .First(m => m.Parameters.Count == 1
                                                 && m.Parameters[0].ParameterType.Name.StartsWith("Func")))
    // Method body as above

    Key to the above is the extension method MakeHostInstanceGeneric, which is defined as

    public static MethodReference MakeHostInstanceGeneric(
                                      this MethodReference self,
                                      params TypeReference[] args)
        var reference = new MethodReference(
            HasThis = self.HasThis,
            ExplicitThis = self.ExplicitThis,
            CallingConvention = self.CallingConvention
        foreach (var parameter in self.Parameters) {
            reference.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDefinition(parameter.ParameterType));
        foreach (var genericParam in self.GenericParameters) {
            reference.GenericParameters.Add(new GenericParameter(genericParam.Name, reference));
        return reference;