I'm trying to add a bundled folder so I don't have to manually add each new .less file to the usual bundles, but I don't know how to render it out.
In the BundleConfig,
BundleTable.Bundles.Add(new DynamicFolderBundle("Content/autobundled", "*.less", new LessTransform(), new CssMinify()));
//.less sheets are at Content/autobundled/example.less
In the Razor page:
<link href="/Binky.Web/Content/autobundled" rel="stylesheet">
But that doesn't link any files, just links to the directory which isn't browsable. The articles I read don't say anything about how to use the folder bundles after you create them.
Basically create the bundle, where the first parameter is the name (not the path) for the bundle,
bundles.Add(new DynamicFolderBundle("less", "*.less", new LessMinify()));
And render them by choosing a path, and use the bundle name appended to the path to say, "get all the files specified in this named bundle from this path".