I have a Google app engine game which deals with coordinates. During a save game operation, I am passing coordinate pairs to my python GAE servers. This is a post. I have started getting this error...
414. That’s an error.
The requested URL /api/... is too large to process. That’s all we know.
It sounds like this might be an error with urls on ANY Google servers. Does anyone know of a resolution, or have a recommendation of how to work around this?
I can pass the coordinates as post data, instead of part of the URL. Rookie discovery I guess. My code went from...
function callSaveMap(mapjson){
$.post('/api/?a=map.save&j=' + mapjson, handleMapSave);
... to...
function callSaveMap(mapjson){
var postData = {
a: 'map.save'
, j: mapjson
$.post('/api/', postData, handleMapSave);