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String index out of range: -1 error with CFFeed

I have the following code in a basic .cfm file. I want to pull the RSS of the NYTimes Business feed.

    <cfset feedurl = "">
    <cffeed source="#feedurl#" properties="feedmeta" query="feeditems" />
    <cfdump var="#feeditems#" label="feedItems" />

When I run this I get the following error -

    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - in D:\nytimesrss.cfm : line 2
    String index out of range: -1

But the same code works fine with the Washington feed. Is this a problem at the NYTimes end or is there something I can do to fix it?


  • Consensus is CF8's <cffeed> tag cannot parse the NYT's feed. However the issue appears to be resolved in later versions ie CF9/10.