I need to use Maven Repository instead of ivy-cache, what are the steps I have to do? I tried multiple ways but it not working.
I specified in BuildConfig.groovy
pom true
repositories {
inherits true // Whether to inherit repository definitions from plugins
and I deleted ivy-cache folder, it(run-app) creating again and downloading all jars again. I found some help from here:
ivysettings.xml: add local maven path
I did same changes, even there is no result. My changed in C:\Program Files (x86)\grails-2.1.4\src\grails\ant\ivysettings.xml
. I think I have to copy this file in our application, but I don't know where?
1) I don't think that you can "disable" the ivy-cache. However you can customize its location:
grails.dependency.cache.dir = "C:\\.ivy2"
As far as I know Grails will not read your ivy settings, you need to plug your resolvers yourself. See this SO question : In Grails, how do I specify jars needed by an ivy resolver?
2) If you problem is only related to maven/grails integration, you can try the following screencast(baby steps) that I created : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqGN61hiciE&list=PLYdLfOs5pdSjWsZCZRnYAQAm78nEFYxhd
Then, in your Maven pom.xml, just add your repositories as usual.
In your BuildConfig.groovy, add pom true and remove repositories declarations as well as the dependencies and plugins sections.
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
pom true
Hope it helps