I have a gradient
<s:LinearGradient rotation="90">
<s:GradientEntry id="gradient1" color="0xFAFAFA"
color.down="0xBBBBBB" />
<s:GradientEntry id="gradient2" color="0xF0F0F0"
color.down="0x8B8B8B" />
and I would like to keep the 3 color values for each gradient in a CSS style sheet. I dont want to create a style for all GradientEntrys, I want this to be specific to only these two gradients. I know how to do this for the color property, but how do I set it for the color.over and color.down?
Any help is appreciated Thank you
In order to set specific values for a style property on different states, you can use the : operator like this:
chromeColor: #eeee00;
chromeColor: #ee00ee;
This will tell Flex to use a different color on the down state of #myButton.