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iOS/Android Phonegap - portrait for smartphones, landscape on tablets

I'm creating a multidevice multiplatform app with Phonegap.

Basically, I have two scenarios:

  • Smartphones should be locked to portrait mode.
  • Tablets should be locked to landscape mode.

I should be able to customize the layout and placement with media queries, depending if the device is a tablet or smartphone (landscape or portrait, respectively). I've experimented with locking to portrait regardless of device, and then using CSS media queries and rotate transformations, but I run with two problems:

  • I haven't been able to find a media query that targets tablets and excludes smartphones and viceversa, the universe of resolutions seems to be too sparse.

  • Working with body{transform:rotate(90deg)} looks like a nightmare to nail everything down.

I also looked into: but it seems to be working only for Android and I need to support both iOS and Android.

Does anyone have any experience with this particular scenario? Any suggestions on handling this orientation problem?


  • you can use navigator.userAgent to get the device type. For Example something like this:

    var deviceType = (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i))  == "iPad" ? "iPad" : (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i))  == "iPhone" ? "iPhone" : (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) == "Android" ? "Android" : (navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i)) == "BlackBerry" ? "BlackBerry" : "null";

    Or you can use the guide in this page...

    After that you can use the following code to set the orientation:

    $(window).bind('orientationchange', function(event){
        if (/*is tablet*/) {
        else if (/* is smart phone */) {

    I hope that above codes be helpful for you ;)