I succeed to obtain the md5sum of files inside archive without using file system thanks to :
tar tjf '/home/adup/mybackup.tar.bz2' | sort | grep -v '/$' |
( while read filename;
do md5=$(tar xjOf '/home/adup/mybackup.tar.bz2' $filename | md5sum | awk '{print $1}');
echo "$md5 $filename";
Unfortunately what I need is to do on a remote host over ssh like :
ssh tar tjf '/home/adup/mybackup.tar.bz2' | sort | grep -v '/$' |( while read filename; do md5=$(tar xjOf '/home/adup/mybackup.tar.bz2' $filename | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'); echo "$md5 $filename"; done)
But like that it doesn't work, one of the tar command is interpreted locally and give me such error :
tar (child): /home/adup/mybackup.tar.bz2 : no such file
Please , is somebody can tell me how to proceed?
Thanks in advance,
You need to pass to ssh the commands to be executed remotely as one string:
ssh "tar tjf '/home/adup/mybackup.tar.bz2' | sort | grep -v '/\$' |( while read filename; do md5=\$(tar xjOf '/home/adup/mybackup.tar.bz2' \$filename | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'); echo "\$md5 \$filename"; done)"
Also, make sure characters like $
, which are interpreted by the local shell, are quoted.
The longer the script gets, the easier to make a mistake doing all this quoting. It can be easier to write a 'normal' shell script, copy it to the remote host with scp
, and then execute with ssh