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Visual Basic 6 ADO update sql string

I am trying to update a single record in sql using a recordset I'm Pulling data from one recordset and trying to save it to another table in the database This is the code I have the insert statement runs fine in SQL.

' Opening the connection
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=" & dbLocation & "; Initial Catalog=Posbdat; User Id=sa"
rh.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=" & dbLocation & "; Initial Catalog=Postrans; User Id=sa"

 rs.Open "Select Top 1 * from CustomerPoints order by RedemptionDate desc", cn, adModeReadWrite
x.Open " Select Top 1 * from Register_Header order by datetime desc", rh, adModeReadWrite

rt.Open " SELECT top 1 upc FROM   Register_Trans INNER JOIN Register_Header ON Register_Trans.trans_no = Register_Header.trans_no Where trans_subtype  = 'AP' Order by Register_Trans.datetime desc ", rh, adOpenDynamic

Debug.Print x!emp_no
 Debug.Print x!till_no
 Debug.Print x.Fields(10)
 Debug.Print itemupc
itemupc = rt.Fields(0)
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Recordset
 cmd.Open "UPDATE CustomerPoints set emp_no = " & x!emp_no & _
 ", till_no = " & x!till_no & " purch_amt = " & x!Total & _
 ", item_redeem = ' " & itemupc & " ' Where RedemptionDate = (Select top 1 * from CustomerPoints order by " & _
 "RedemptionDate Desc)", cn, adOpenDynamic

I haven't closed any of the connections or cleaned it up because it won't run without crashing.


  • It has been a long time but this is how I used to execute update statements:

    Dim conTemp As New ADODB.Connection
    conTemp.CommandTimeout = mvarconConnection.CommandTimeout
    conTemp.ConnectionTimeout = mvarconConnection.ConnectionTimeout
    conTemp.CursorLocation = mvarconConnection.CursorLocation
    conTemp.Mode = mvarconConnection.Mode
    conTemp.ConnectionString = mvarconConnection.ConnectionString
    conTemp.Open mvarconConnection.ConnectionString
    conTemp.Execute "UPDATE CustomerPoints set emp_no = " & x!emp_no & _
    ", till_no = " & x!till_no & " purch_amt = " & x!Total & _
    ", item_redeem = ' " & itemupc & " ' Where RedemptionDate = (Select top 1 * from
    CustomerPoints order by " & _
    "RedemptionDate Desc)"

    The mvarconConnection is just an object that stored all of my DB settings, just replace my settings with your own.