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Is there a cleaner, more Grailsy way to write this query?

I have a couple scenarios where I want to retrieve a single Advertiser and eager fetch most of its object graph. I definitely don't want to do this by default, so I've been searching for the right way to do this for a single query. This is what I've come up with so far:

    Advertiser.createCriteria().get {
        eq('id', id)
        createAlias('foos', 'foos', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
        createAlias('foos.bars', 'bars', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
        createAlias('bars.baz', 'bazzes', CriteriaSpecification.INNER_JOIN)

This works, but I dislike it for a couple reasons.

  1. It seems like a very indirect and unintuitive way to say "just join the dang tables please."
  2. There is no compile time checking. If the foos association didn't exist on an Advertiser, the compiler would not care.

Here's how I'd really love to see it work:

Advertiser.where {
    id == id
    foos {
        bars {

But this doesn't do any joining; apparently, if you're not actually specifying conditions for that property (>, <, ==, etc) it will just ignore you.

What are my options? How can I, at bare minimum, make this more intuitive to read? Looking for the closest to my ideal as I can get.


I've tried some of the suggestions below and things aren't working, and it may be partially because I'm not getting my syntax right. Let's say that I need to eager fetch an additional 1st level association called whatsits

I'm trying to do it this way:

Advertiser.withCriteria {
    foos {
        bars {

I've also tried

Advertiser.withCriteria {
    idEq(id) && whatsits && foos {
        bars {

But different approaches yield different exceptions, strange looking queries, etc.


  • This isn't too far from your first example, but you may or may not find it more intuitive?

    def result = Advertiser.withCriteria {
        eq('id', id)
        fetchMode 'foos', FetchMode.JOIN
        fetchMode 'foos.bars', FetchMode.JOIN
        fetchMode 'bars.baz', FetchMode.JOIN