I'm trying to roll my own pow() which goes over a binary bit by bit using exponentiation by squaring http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring. There were some questions in this area if this helps you in thinking about this problem:
Difference between the built-in pow() and math.pow() for floats, in Python?
Behavior of Python ** and % operators with big numbers
I'm teaching myself Python so it may be some simple mistake I'm making.
def power(g_base,a,p_mod):
x=1; b=[1]; bits = "{0:b}".format(a)
for bit in bits:
if bit=='1': x *= (((x**2)*g_base)%p_mod)
elif bit=='0': x *= ((x**2)%p_mod)
else: x *= 1
#t = [b.append(((x**2)*g_base)%p_mod) if bit == '1' else b.append((x**2)%p_mod) for bit in bits]
return x%p_mod
print "power(): ",power(a,b,c)
print "pow(): ",pow(a,b,c)
The output is right with 31,21,12 and wrong with 5,2,8:
Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul 4 2010, 09:01:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
power(): 5
pow(): 1
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
power(): 7
pow(): 7
Not sure where this all went tragically wrong.
The problem is that you are multiplying the intermediate results when you do
x *= (x**2)...
. Instead, you just need to assign the newly computed value to x. Simply replace x*=
with x=
as follows:
def power(g_base,a,p_mod):
bits = "{0:b}".format(a)
for i, bit in enumerate(bits):
if bit=='1': x = (((x**2)*g_base)%p_mod)
elif bit=='0': x = ((x**2)%p_mod)
return x%p_mod
As a side note, I would not recommend putting multiple statements in one line separated by a semicolon (;
). Although legal syntax, it is not very Pythonic.