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Retrieve Facebook Insights older than 3 months with Graph API

I am using Facebook Graph API to retrive page insights information. My issue is that I can't get the ones older than 3 months. For example if I use /insights/page_fan_adds/day?since=2013-01-20&until=2013-04-23 is all working fine but if I use /insights/page_fan_adds/day?since=2013-01-19&until=2013-04-23 (one day before the previous since) I receive the following error:

  "error": {
    "message": "Unsupported operation", 
    "type": "FacebookApiException", 
    "code": 100

This means is not possible to get older information from the facebook page insights or I have to do something else like for example use some permissions or use other syntax?


  • Facebook will not allow more than 89 days, but you can adjust the since/until fields to get data older than 89 days.