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C# strategy and observer pattern code

Hi I'm trying to create abstract class Person and two child classes Student and Staff. Person class also has an observer that is notified by a Practical class. But Students will be notified only about question number changed and Staff about student's feel-good factor. That factor can be marked at any time by any student. I've managed to get observer working but only with Person class. I know I hav to make it abstract and then create Staff and Student classes but I just can't get my head round it. Any help would be great. Thanks Here s the code:

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Practical : IPractical    //Practical class
    private String QuestionNumber;// the state which observers are interested in.
    private String Factor;
    private ArrayList observers;    // the collection of observers attached to this subject.

    public Practical(String qnumber, String f)
        QuestionNumber = qnumber;
        Factor = f;
        observers = new ArrayList();

    public void AddObserver(IPerson o) { observers.Add(o); }
    public void RemoveObserver(IPerson o) { observers.Remove(o); }

    public void NotifyObserverQN()
        foreach (IPerson o in observers) { o.Update(QuestionNumber); }

    public void NotifyObserverFactor()
        foreach (IPerson o in observers) { o.Update(Factor); }

    public String QN
        get { return QuestionNumber; }
            QuestionNumber = value;
            NotifyObserverQN();     //notify about new question

    public String Fc
        get { return Factor; }
            Factor = value;
            NotifyObserverFactor();     //notify about new ffctor

      interface IPractical  //IPractical interface
           void AddObserver(IPerson o);
           void RemoveObserver(IPerson o);
           void NotifyObserverQN();
           void NotifyObserverFactor();

  class Person : IPerson

    private string id;
    public Person(string i) { id = i; }
    public void Update(Object o)     { Console.WriteLine(" {0} notified about {1} .", id, o.ToString()); }


  interface IPerson     //Observer interface
      void Update(Object o);


 class Observer

    public static void Main()
        Practical practical = new Practical("Question", "Factor");
        IPerson a, b, c;
        a = new Person(" Student_1 ");
        b = new Person(" Student_2 ");
        c = new Person(" Staff_1   ");


        practical.QN = "Question 1";   // all students notifie about Question 1 
        practical.Fc = "Feel-Good";
        practical.QN = "Question 2";   // all students notifie about Question 2
        practical.Fc = "Feel-Bad";





  • Ideally, you need an explicit casting which check a particular observer is of type Student or Staff. In such case, you can generalize your notification method as below instead of writing two notification methods.

        public void Notify()
            foreach (IPerson o in observers)
                if (IPerson is Student)
                    o.Update(QuestionNumber);// Student - question number 
                    o.Update(Factor);//Staff -  feel-good factor

    As per the request on how inheritance works in this case;

     public abstract class Person : IPerson
            private string id;
            public Person(){}
            public Person(string i)
                id = i;
            public abstract void Update(Object o);
        public class Student:Person
        public Student(){}
        public Student(string i):base(i)
        public override void Update(object o)
            //whatever you wanted to do with Student
    public class Staff : Person
         public Staff(){}
         public Staff(string i)
             : base(i)
        public override void Update(object o)
            //whatever you wanted to do with Staff
        interface IPerson     //Observer interface
            void Update(Object o);