Search code examples

PostgreSQL: Case insensitive string comparison

Is there a simple ignore-case-comparison for PostgreSQL?

I want to replace:

SELECT id, user_name 
    FROM users 
        WHERE lower(email) IN (lower(''), lower(''));

With something like:

SELECT id, user_name 
    FROM users 
        WHERE email IGNORE_CASE_IN ('', '');

The like and ilike operators work on single values (e.g. like ''), but not on sets.


  • First, what not to do: don't use ILIKE...

    create table y
    id serial not null,
    email text not null unique
    insert into y(email) 
    values('') ,('');
    insert into y(email) 
    select n from generate_series(1,1000) as i(n);
    -- no need to create an index on email, 
    -- UNIQUE constraint on email already makes an index.
    -- thanks a_horse_with_no_name
    -- create index ix_y on y(email);
    explain select * from y 
    where email ilike 

    Execution Plan:

    memdb=# explain select * from y where email ilike ANY(ARRAY['','']);
                                           QUERY PLAN                                       
     Seq Scan on y  (cost=0.00..17.52 rows=1 width=7)
       Filter: (email ~~* ANY ('{,}'::text[]))
    (2 rows)

    It's either you create an indexed lower expression...

    create function lower(t text[]) returns text[]
    select lower($1::text)::text[]
    $$ language sql;
    create unique index ix_y_2 on y(lower(email));
    explain select * from y 
    where lower(email) = 

    ...which properly uses index:

    memdb=# explain select * from y where lower(email) = ANY(lower(ARRAY['','']));
                                                               QUERY PLAN                                                           
     Bitmap Heap Scan on y  (cost=22.60..27.98 rows=10 width=7)
       Recheck Cond: (lower(email) = ANY ((lower(('{,}'::text[])::text))::text[]))
       ->  Bitmap Index Scan on ix_y_2  (cost=0.00..22.60 rows=10 width=0)
             Index Cond: (lower(email) = ANY ((lower(('{,}'::text[])::text))::text[]))
    (4 rows)

    Or you use citext data type...

    create table x
    id serial not null,
    email citext not null unique
    insert into x(email) 
    insert into x(email) 
    select n from generate_series(1,1000) as i(n);
    -- no need to create an index on email, 
    -- UNIQUE constraint on email already makes an index.
    -- thanks a_horse_with_no_name
    -- create index ix_x on x(email);
    explain select * from x 
    where email = 

    ...which properly uses index even you don't create an index on expression (e.g. create index zzz on yyy(lower(field))):

    memdb=# explain select * from x where email = ANY(ARRAY['','']::citext[]);
                                                QUERY PLAN                                            
    Bitmap Heap Scan on x  (cost=8.57..13.91 rows=2 width=36)
      Recheck Cond: (email = ANY ('{,}'::citext[]))
      ->  Bitmap Index Scan on x_email_key  (cost=0.00..8.57 rows=2 width=0)
            Index Cond: (email = ANY ('{,}'::citext[]))

    If citext field type is not yet installed, run this: