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Adding Click Event on InfoWindow/Marker in Google Maps SDK for native iOS/objective C

Simple Question

I´m working on an App for iOS where I embedded the new Google Map for native iOS. Everything works fine except one problem where I can´t find a propper solution for native IOS/ Objective-C neither here nor at google (if there is one please show me and sorry for annoying you)

What I want: I want the User to Click on the Marker that opens the Info Window. After If he clicks or taps on the Info Window it should open a New UIView with further Informations.

How can I do that?

Thanks for advices


  • 1.conform to the GMSMapViewDelegate protocol.

    @interface YourViewController () <GMSMapViewDelegate>
    // your properties

    2.set your mapView_ delegate.

    mapView_.delegate = self;

    3.implement the GMSMapViewDelegate method

    - (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapInfoWindowOfMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker {
        // your code

    btw, marker.userData is useful. you can set your needed data into it and use it in - mapView:didTapInfoWindowOfMarker: