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Create multi page PDF in objective-c

I am trying to create a multipage PDF. I have followed this tutorial. This is working with a XIB file for static text and then adds a table from code. But the problem I'm having ATM is that when the table is bigger then one page. When the table has more then 9 rows. It should continue on the next page.

This is what I'm doing in code.

    NSMutableDictionary *mutDictValues = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"dicValues"] mutableCopy];
    NSMutableArray *arrSelectedCities = [[mutDictValues objectForKey:@"cities"]mutableCopy ];

    if(arrSelectedCities.count <= 8){
        // If there are only 8 rows --> we can fit everyting on one page !

        // Create the PDF context using the default page size of 612 x 792.
        UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToFile(fileName, CGRectZero, nil);
        // Mark the beginning of a new page.
        UIGraphicsBeginPDFPageWithInfo(CGRectMake(0, 0, 612, 792), nil);

        [self drawLabels];
        [self drawLogo];

        int xOrigin = 50;
        int yOrigin = 350;

        int rowHeight = 50;
        int columnWidth = 240;

        int numberOfRows = 9;
        int numberOfColumns = 2;

        [self drawTableAt:CGPointMake(xOrigin, yOrigin) withRowHeight:rowHeight andColumnWidth:columnWidth andRowCount:numberOfRows andColumnCount:numberOfColumns];

        [self drawTableDataAt:CGPointMake(xOrigin, yOrigin) withRowHeight:rowHeight andColumnWidth:columnWidth andRowCount:numberOfRows andColumnCount:numberOfColumns withArray:arrSelectedCities];

        // Close the PDF context and write the contents out.

        // When we have more then 8 rows we should have 2 pages.
        NSLog(@"Create 2 pages");
        // Create the PDF context using the default page size of 612 x 792.
        UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToFile(fileName, CGRectZero, nil);
        // Mark the beginning of a new page.
        UIGraphicsBeginPDFPageWithInfo(CGRectMake(0, 0, 612, 792), nil);

        [self drawLabels];
        [self drawLogo];

        int xOrigin = 50;
        int yOrigin = 350;

        int rowHeight = 50;
        int columnWidth = 240;

        int numberOfRows = 9;
        int numberOfColumns = 2;

        [self drawTableAt:CGPointMake(xOrigin, yOrigin) withRowHeight:rowHeight andColumnWidth:columnWidth andRowCount:numberOfRows andColumnCount:numberOfColumns];

        [self drawTableDataAt:CGPointMake(xOrigin, yOrigin) withRowHeight:rowHeight andColumnWidth:columnWidth andRowCount:numberOfRows andColumnCount:numberOfColumns withArray:arrSelectedCities];

        // Create the PDF context using the default page size of 612 x 792.
        UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToFile(fileName, CGRectZero, nil);
        // Mark the beginning of a new page.
        UIGraphicsBeginPDFPageWithInfo(CGRectMake(0, 0, 612, 792), nil);

        int xOrigin2 = 50;
        int yOrigin2 = 60;
        int numberOfRows2 = ((arrSelectedCities.count+1)-9);

        [self drawTableAt:CGPointMake(xOrigin2, yOrigin2) withRowHeight:rowHeight andColumnWidth:columnWidth andRowCount:numberOfRows2 andColumnCount:numberOfColumns];

        [self drawTableDataAt:CGPointMake(xOrigin2, yOrigin2) withRowHeight:rowHeight andColumnWidth:columnWidth andRowCount:numberOfRows2 andColumnCount:numberOfColumns withArray:arrSelectedCities];

    // Close the PDF context and write the contents out.

Let me explain what I'm doing here. I have an array that should fill up my tableview. If the array is bigger then 8 then I should use 2 pages. Else everything works with one page.

What this does is, it's creating only the second page....

Can anybody help me?


  • You should not call UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToFile() again when creating the second page, only UIGraphicsBeginPDFPageWithInfo():

    UIGraphicsBeginPDFPageWithInfo(...); // start first page
    // ...
    UIGraphicsBeginPDFPageWithInfo(...); // start second page
    // ...