I'm doing some performance testing on a BizTalk 2010 installation and one of the tests involves consuming a multi-gigabyte file. I'm receiving an error which is pretty straightforward, but it's missing some key information and I'm not able to figure it out so far based on the documentation.
The error is that the receive pipeline failed; "Reason: there is not enough space on the disk."
Hmmm. Which disk? It could be the partition on which windows is installed, the partition on which BizTalk is installed, the database server, etc. They all seem to have enough space to accomodate the file, but it's going to get much larger as it's transformed to XML, so it could probably be any of them.
I'm looking for suggestions on tracking down the source of the issue so I can get my tests back up and running.
It's probably your temp folder that is causing your disk to run full.
When large files are getting processed (especially in mapping or disassemblers), the virtualstream will write parts of the message to disk in order to work in a streaming way and prevent memory leaks.
It is a best practice (especially on production environments) to move the temp folder (the %temp% variable) to another disk than the c:\ drive. This is where BizTalk is storing all the large message fragments.
From the MSDN help:
By default, documents that are buffered to the file system during mapping are written to the %temp% directory of the BizTalk Server computer. Change the setting for the %temp% environment variable to a non-system disk to improve performance when buffering large messages to the file system during mapping.
More information can be found here :http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa560481.aspx