Search code examples

Rich snippet display issue in google search

Rich snippets is not working in as google says though it can recognize all of the information in structured data section of the following tool. I am using sites Place type. Is it the issue? If so, then what should I use in my situation. I need to show the following information given in the image. Most important part is to display image of the Place.


Extracted structured data

Item type: *://

url: *://ée

image: *:// telephone: 416-862-0888 name: Musée description: Toronto - New Condos - Plaza Developments - Musée - Overview

Item type: *://

name: Address streetaddress: 525 Adelaide St W postalcode: M5V 1T4 addressregion: ON addresslocality: Toronto

Item type: *://

latitude: 43.6452196 longitude: -79.40313659999998

Item type: *://

name: Worksheet Submission startdate: 04/19/2013 09:00 AM


  • Note that it takes time to re-index your website for search engines. The changes in the search results (not rich snippet testing tool) might show after few days. However, in my opinion the main reason why it doesn't show up in the search results is that Google search engine doesn't support that type of content.

    Google Search Engine Supports:

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