I have some custom filters, I could put them outside of the grid but it would look nicer if they were located at the same place as the built in one, can I somehow alter the filter template or in some other way alter the built in filter view?
This is the view I want to extend with custom filters
I started to implement this in a KoGrid fork, but the KoGrid template code is a bit complex, and I didnt have time to get it to work right now. So I did a little hack that does not alter the KoGrid source
(function() {
function initGridTemplate() {
var template = $(kg.defaultGridTemplate());
var filter = template.find("div.kgColMenu > div[data-bind='visible: showFilter']");
filter.attr("data-name", "config.filterOptions.model");
kg.defaultGridTemplate = function () {
return template[0].outerHTML;
It works by adding a view model to the filterOptions literal. data-name in the above code is my framework that find views on viewmodels types, you could instead do
filter.attr("data-bind", "template: { name: config.filterOptions.templateName, data: config.filterOptions.model }");
This is what my data-name attribute is doing under the hood