I have just implemented the tapku library calendar into my app. The calendar displays a event list under the calendar. (cell view)
I have it so its shows a date using this code - @"2012-08-09 00:00:00 +0000".
How would i make it so that when the user click on the date above it shows a message like "Your birthday" in the cell below?
I used this to help me with the initial part - http://developinginthedark.com/posts/iphone-tapku-calendar-markers
If you want to replace "." with any string, you will have to edit the following method TKCalendarView.m:
- (void) drawTileInRect:(CGRect)r day:(int)day mark:(BOOL)mark font:(UIFont*)f1 font2:(UIFont*)f2{
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",day];
r.size.height -= 2;
[str drawInRect: r
withFont: f1
lineBreakMode: UILineBreakModeWordWrap
alignment: UITextAlignmentCenter];
r.size.height = 10;
r.origin.y += 18;
// Editing done here .......
[@"edit" drawInRect: r
withFont: f2
lineBreakMode: UILineBreakModeWordWrap
alignment: UITextAlignmentCenter];
Also if you want to enter longer string make sure to decrease the font size of label and other sizing properties of the label. Label here refers to (dot).