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iPhone keyboard with weird dot

Where is this dot coming from?: enter image description here

There is a dot hidden behind keyboard and highlights to blue when pressed (trying to press ?123) to change keyboard mode.

I have noticed it in few placed in my app and in iOS 6 (also with decimal keyboard, one can still see this dot which interferes with comma character).

There is nothing special I am doing with responders (normal UITextView of UITextField fields). Anyone has idea what could be the cause of it?

Just to exclude popular cause: I have rootViewController of my key application UIWindow set to my root navigation controller.


  • It looks like the "old"(before iOS6) way to add a dot or return-key to UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad but with a wrong keyboardType.

    Something like in this tutorial:

    Have you ever used this kind of custom keyboard in the past? Or maybe you don't know that you use it. Is there a category of UITextView you have overlooked?

    Search through your project for e.g. "@interface UITextField (" to find the category.