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Heap sorting vector of Clients, passing iterators incorrectly?

I am working on a program that creates a vector of 4 Clients, then heap sorts them using a comparator class (sorting by their account balance essentially). After that I'm simply printing out the ordered account numbers of each Client in the vector. However, I don't think I have it implemented correctly. Firstly, when I call the STL heap sort on the vector, I understand that I pass the comparator as the third argument. I was under the impression that I needed to call it with an object of my AccountOrder comparator class, but that gave me a large number of errors. If I call it on the Class and not an instance of that class, it doesn't give me nearly as many errors. What is the correct way to do this?

int main()
    AccountOrder f;

    vector<Client> list;

    Client client1(345.88, "Charlie");
    Client client2(249.12, "Rashesh");
    Client client3(442.90, "Michael");
    Client client4(543.74, "Mary");


    make_heap(list.begin(), list.end(), f);
    sort_heap(list.begin(), list.end(), f);

    for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) 
        cout << list[i].getAccountBalance();

    return 0;

Comparator class:

class AccountOrder 
    bool operator()(Client * a, Client * b) 
        return a->getAccountBalance() > b->getAccountBalance();

The comparator has been implemented in my code just above the main() function. Secondly, which function do I actually need to pass the comparator to? (Here I've passed it to both, I'm not sure yet).


  • Make comparator with & instead of *

    class AccountOrder 
        bool operator()(const Client &a, const Client &b) const
            return a.getAccountBalance() > b.getAccountBalance();


    Permake_heap and sort_heap:

    The signature of the comparison function should be equivalent to the following:

    bool cmp(const Type1 &a, const Type2 &b);

    The signature does not need to have const &, but the function must not modify the objects passed to it.