I have table A, table B, and table C. Each table has a "title" field and an "number day" field and other miscellaneous individual fields. Then there is a monster table with a table A title, table B title, table C title, and number day field. For example, one row would have a number day of 3 and an entry for table A's title. (Not all fields are full. There are a lot of nulls.) I would like to have the monster view be a GridView with title entries in it hyperlinked to a DetailsView where I can edit or delete table A, B, or C one at a time.
How exactly do I get this to work??? For example, I want every title entry in table A to show up in the monster table and a button/link from the monster table can go to the automatically generated DetailsView of table A. Help?
Figured it out--Master/Detail method -- GridView with DetailsView using GridView's row selectedValue.