I'm trying my hands at CUDA thrust.
but the environment I'm working in needs me to copy the data at the end into a char*
and not thrust::host_vector<char>
So my code right now looks something like below.
thrust::device_vector<unsigned int> sortindexDev(filesize);
some code using thrust:: sort, thrust::transform, etc
BWThost = BWTdev;
After I have the copied data in BWThost
I want to copy it to a char*
for the need of my framework.
How do I do it?
Below code doesn't work.
for(int i = o; i < upper; i++) {
charData[i] = BWThost[i]
Just use thrust::copy
, for example:
char *chardata = malloc(filesize);
thrust::copy(BWTdev.begin(), BWTdev.end(), &chardata[0]);
[disclaimer: written in browser, not compiled or tested, use at own risk]
This is copy directly from the device_vector
to a host array without the need for any intermediate host_vector
or explicitly host side loop.