My code currently has to count things in a heavily nested dict
into another. I have items that need to be indexed by 3 values and then counted. So, before my loop, I initialize a nested defaultdict
like so:
from collections import defaultdict
type_to_count_dic = defaultdict(
lambda: defaultdict(
lambda: defaultdict(int)
Which allows me to count the items within a tight loop like so:
for a in ...:
for b in ...:
for c in ...:
type_to_count_dic[a][b][c] += 1
I feel like initializing all those defaultdict
s feels a lot like making a type declaration in something like Java. Is there a more idiomatic/Pythonic way of doing something like this?
from collections import defaultdict
class _defaultdict(defaultdict):
def __add__(self, other):
return other
def CountTree():
return _defaultdict(CountTree)
>>> t = CountTree()
>>> t['a']
defaultdict(<function CountTree at 0x9e5c3ac>, {})
>>> t['a']['b']['c'] += 1
>>> print t['a']['b']['c']