I'm playing with tornado and mongodb, with the asynchronous driver motor. When working with callbacks everything's fine. Then I discovered the possibility to use motor.Op or tornado.gen.Task to perform a request in one function only:
So this is working:
class Contact_handler(Main_handler):
def get(self, other_id):
event = events.Event_send_contact_request(self.user_id)
result = yield motor.Op(db.users.update,
{'_id': ObjectId(other_id)},
{'$push': {'evts': event.data}}
But I'd like to move this database request in its own function in another module. The problem is that I don't understand really how the yield is working here (despite I read a LOT of questions about yield). So this is what I tried, but it's not working:
#------ file views.py -------------
class Contact_handler(Main_handler):
def get(self, other_id):
event = events.Event_send_contact_request(self.user_id)
result = model.push_event_to_user(other_id, event)
And the call in another function:
#------ file model.py -------------
def push_event_to_user(user_id, event):
## Ajout de la demande dans les events du demandé:
yield motor.Op(db.users.update,
{'_id': ObjectId(user_id)},
{'$push': {'evts': event}}
If I investigate with pdb:
(Pdb) l
157 event = events.Event_send_contact_request(self.user_id)
158 result = model.push_event_to_user(other_id, event)
160 import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
162 -> self.finish("ok")
(Pdb) result
<tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture object at 0xa334b8c>
(Pdb) result.result()
*** Exception: DummyFuture does not support blocking for results
Any help appreciated, thanks.
I found another way of doing this, thanks to this post that uses of tornado.gen.Return. I still need to yield in my main function, but the coroutine is simple.
Here is my code now:
#------ file views.py -------------
class Contact_handler(Main_handler):
def get(self, other_id):
event = events.Event_send_contact_request(self.user_id)
result = yield model.push_event_to_user(other_id, event)
And the call in another function:
#------ file model.py -------------
def push_event_to_user(user_id, event):
## Ajout de la demande dans les events du demandé:
result = yield motor.Op(db.users.update,
{'_id': ObjectId(user_id)},
{'$push': {'evts': event}}
raise gen.Return(result)