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Twitter-Bootstrap popover triggers only once (Magento)

A bit of a mystery. I have a static page (CMS Page in Magento-parlor) that includes bootstrap-tooltip and bootstrap-popover. They seem to load/work fine since I can see a popover trigger once... But that's the problem, the event occurs only once.

In a debugging attempt, I added a :hover pseudo class to the page's css, which changes background color. This also triggers only once when the popover() is initialized on the element.

The website is a static page in Magento 1.7.2. Please hover over the circle above the note "Open-source hardware" to see the problem.



  • I'm unfamiliar with the specific mechanics of Bootstrap (kids, my lawn, get off), but looking at this from a pure javascript/dom point of view it appears your hover is over the following div

    <div id="hardware-overlay" class="img-circle" data-placement="top" data-content="The arduino-compatible hardware connects
        five environmental sensors to the internet Wirelessly." data-original-title="" title="" style="">

    When you roll-off/mouseout of of the popover, the above div's DOM node is changed to include a style="display:none;"

    <div id="hardware-overlay" class="img-circle" data-placement="top" data-content="The arduino-compatible hardware connects
        five environmental sensors to the internet Wirelessly." data-original-title="" title="" style="display: none; ">

    Because this div is not being displayed, there's nothing to trigger the pop over. If I run the following javascript from Chrome's debugger console


    I can get the rollover to run again (with the same "only runs once" behavior)

    Hope that helps narrow down the problem.