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c++ breaking out of loop by key press at any time

What I have here is a loop that is supposed to read the output on a piece of equipment every 500 milliseconds. This part works fine. However, when I try to introduce cin.get to pick up the key "n" being pressed to stop the loop, I only get as many outputs as the number of key presses up to this point. If I press any keys (apart from 'n') several times followed by enter, I will get a few more outputs. What I need is the loop keep looping without any interaction until I want it to stop.

Here's the code:

    analogInput = ReadAnalogChannel(1) / 51.0;
    cout << count1*0.5 << "     " << analogInput << endl;
    outputFile << count1*0.5 << ", " << analogInput << endl;
    if (cin.get() == 'n') //PROBLEM STARTS WITH THIS INTRODUCED

My output is as follows (there are 2 key presses to get to this stage in the program) unless I press a few more keys followed by enter:

0.5    0 // as expected
1      2 // as expected
should be more values until stopped

I have no particular preference in which type of loop to use, as long as it works.



  • cin.get() is a synchronous call, which suspends the current thread of execution until it gets an input character (you press a key).

    You need to run your loop in a separate thread and poll the atomic boolean, which you change in main thread after cin.get() returns.

    It could look something like this:

    std::atomic_boolean stop = false;
    void loop() {
            // your loop body here
    // ...
    int main() {
        // ...
        boost::thread t(loop); // Separate thread for loop.
        t.start(); // This actually starts a thread.
        // Wait for input character (this will suspend the main thread, but the loop
        // thread will keep running).
        // Set the atomic boolean to true. The loop thread will exit from 
        // loop and terminate.
        stop = true;
        // ... other actions ...
        return EXIT_SUCCESS; 

    Note: the above code is just to give an idea, it uses Boost library and a latest version of standard C++ library. Those may not be available to you. If so, use the alternatives from your environment.