I'm writing a matrix
template class that prints to both file and std::cout
, i.e.:
matrix<float> myMat;
myMat.cout(...) // print to std::cout
myMat.write("out.txt") // print to file
Both will share a common underlying printing function which I'm trying to implement as a template too, since I've seen different examples that use thrust::copy
to write data to both std::cout
and files.
Below is the skeleton of what I've done, but it is currently outputting garbage. Could anyone point to some errors I may have made? For example, am I allowed to pass std::cout
around like this?
template <typename data_T> matrix {
template <typename out_T> int printTo(out_T &out, ...) {
data_T *start = ..., *end = ...;
thrust::copy(start, end, std::ostream_iterator<data_T>(out, " "));
int cout(...) {
printTo(std::cout, ...);
int write(char* path, ...) {
std::ofstream file;
printTo(file, ...);
int printTo(std::ostream &out, ...) {...}
does not fix the problem.thrust::device_vector<T>
, say dvec
, and convert it to a data_T
pointer pvec
using thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&dvec[0])
(as the CUBLAS library uses raw pointers). I then operate on pvec
and then want to print it out.thrust::device_vector
directly (i.e. *dvec
) and it does work: thrust::copy((*dvec).begin(), (*dvec).begin() + n ...)
. So why can I copy only using *dvec
iterators and not the raw pointer cast pvec
?Don't use raw_pointer_cast
here. That will fool Thrust into thinking that you've got a pointer to data on the host, which is why your code isn't giving you what you expect. I would have expected your code to just crash.
To copy a device_vector
to an ostream_iterator
, just use thrust::copy
thrust::device_vector<float> vec = ...
thrust::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::ostream_iterator<float>(std::cout, " "));