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Displaying (if) link in a cell

The table cell in the below code is being used as part of a messaging system and it returns the url as a link to the attached file to the message.

echo '<td width="25%"><a href="'.wp_get_attachment_url($row->file_attached).'">'.wp_get_attachment_url($row->file_attached).'</a></td>';

This is fine and works well, my problem is that I would like it to either only show the title of the file ( not the full url) or even better would be to have it print "file attached" as a link, but if there is no file to get could it say "no file attached"

I am a complete novice at this and I am trying to stuble my way through. It would be great if somebody could push me in the right direction.



  • If you just mean you want the text of the link to be different, this is really basic HTML (not PHP):

    <a href="/some/url">some text for the link</a>

    In your case, you have the URL repeated as the contents of the <a> tag, but you can put whatever you want there.

    Edit: To only show the link if there is a link to show, you need an if statement, probably the simplest piece of programming logic there is:

    if ( $row->file_attached ) {
        // echo a link
    else {
        // echo something other than a link