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Passing an array within a structure in CUDAfy

Using VS 2012, .NET 4.5, 64bit and CUDAfy 1.12 and I have the following proof of concept

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Cudafy;
using Cudafy.Host;
using Cudafy.Translator;

namespace Test
public struct ChildStruct
    public float[] FArray;
    public long FArrayLength;

public struct ParentStruct
    public ChildStruct Child;

public class Program
    public static void KernelFunction(GThread gThread, ParentStruct parent)
        long length = parent.Child.FArrayLength;

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var module = CudafyTranslator.Cudafy(
          ePlatform.x64, eArchitecture.sm_35,
          new[] {typeof(ChildStruct), typeof(ParentStruct), typeof(Program)});
        var dev = CudafyHost.GetDevice();

        float[] hostFloat = new float[10];
        for (int i = 0; i < hostFloat.Length; i++) { hostFloat[i] = i; }

        ParentStruct parent = new ParentStruct
            Child = new ChildStruct
                FArray = dev.Allocate(hostFloat),
                FArrayLength = hostFloat.Length

        dev.Launch(1, 1, KernelFunction, parent);


When the program runs, I am getting the following error on the dev.Launch:

Type 'Test.ParentStruct' cannot be marshaled as an unmanaged structure; no meaningful size or offset can be computed.

If I remove the float array from the ChildStruct, it works as expected.

Having worked in C/C++/Cli and CUDA C in the past, I am aware of the nature of the error. Some solutions to this error suggest setting the struct size manually using Size parameter of MarshalAs, but this is not possible due to the variety of types within the struct.

I looked at the generated .cu file and it is generating the float array as a float * which is what I expected.

Is there a way to pass an array within a struct to the Kernel? And if there isn't what is the best second alternative? This problem doesn't exist in CUDA C and it only exists because we are marshaling from CLR.


  • I spent good time reading the source code of CUDAfy to see if there is a solution to this problem.

    CUDAfy is trying to make things too simple for .NET developers and shield them away from the IntPtr and other pointer concepts. However, the level of abstraction makes it very hard to think of an answer to this problem without a major refactor to the way this library works.

    Not being able to send a float array within a struct is a show stopper. I ended up doing PInvoke to the CUDA Runtime and not using CUDAfy.